Category: Mutt

  • Install + Config mutt-sidebar

    Hello everyone ! Lets make mutt more intersting by adding sidebar in mutt. Install it For ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install mutt-patched For Arch $ sudo pacman -S package-query yaourt $ sudo yaourt -S mutt-sidebar Add following to your .muttrc file and make changes accordingly. #change width accordingly set sidebar_width=30 #Visible at first, then change…

  • xterm : enable 256 color support on : xterm-256color

    You might need 256 bit color support in your various terminal applications like vim, mutt, mplayer, htop and others. Below are the instructions to enable 256 bit color support. Pretty quick, issue command in your terminal $ export TERM=xterm-256color To make it permanant, add the same to your .bashrc or .zshrc file, according to the…

  • MUTT : Background sending with mSMTP

    I am regular mutt user. Here is a good fix to remove waiting while the mutt interacts with the SMTP server to send an email. Previously I used a local mail server, now I am going to use mSMTP which is a SMTP Client just like mutt. We will let the mSMTP do the sending…