Hello everyone !
Lets make mutt more intersting by adding sidebar in mutt. Install it
For ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install mutt-patched
For Arch $ sudo pacman -S package-query yaourt $ sudo yaourt -S mutt-sidebar
Add following to your .muttrc file and make changes accordingly.
#change width accordingly set sidebar_width=30 #Visible at first, then change its value to yes set sidebar_visible=no set sidebar_delim='|' set sidebar_sort=yes mailboxes =inbox =ml mailboxes =inbox =ml bind index CP sidebar-prev bind index CN sidebar-next bind index CO sidebar-open bind pager CP sidebar-prev bind pager CN sidebar-next bind pager CO sidebar-open macro index b 'toggle sidebar_visible ' macro pager b ' toggle sidebar_visible ' bind index B bounce-message
Shortcuts to use
CP = Previous folder in sidebar CN = Next folder in sidebar CO = Open Selected folder in sidebar b = toggle sidebar
If you want to change shortcuts, then change the values in .muttrc file accordingly.
Enjoy your new mutt sidebar. 😛
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