Category: Linux
Ubuntu 12.10 – Maximizing Battery Backup
Here is a quick tutorial, to maximize battery backup of your laptop. This is based on ubuntu 12.10, which has many improved feature which you need to tweak to improve the backup. Tools used are : 1. “Disks” 3.6.1 2. Jupiter Applet 3. PowerTop Disks, This program comes default with ubuntu 12.10, it has many…
SSH access : Time saVVy Hack
If you deal with a lot of servers and SSH connections, then this post is a must read for you, welcome. I will go through some easy tricks, which will make your SSH login to server without asking a things. How to setup : Setup key based SSH access Command alias Start with issuing following…
MUTT – encrypting password with GNUpg
To encrypt password with mutt, we will be using GNUpg, install it : For Debian based : $ sudo apt-get install gnupg gnupg-agent For RPM based : $ sudo yum install gnupg gnupg-agent after installing it you need to generate an encryption key by using following. gpg –gen-key Select appropriate options. Enter you name, email…