Category: Tutorial

  • Console booting in Linux

    Usually all the linux distributions do start the graphical environment automatically. Its good, but it becomes little pain of linux nerds, they want to use it in there own ways. So this is a simple trick which will enable you to boot in console mode with help of Grub. You just need to edit the…

  • Ubuntu 12.10 – Maximizing Battery Backup

    Here is a quick tutorial, to maximize battery backup of your laptop. This is based on ubuntu 12.10, which has many improved feature which you need to tweak to improve the backup. Tools used are : 1. “Disks” 3.6.1 2. Jupiter Applet 3. PowerTop Disks, This program comes default with ubuntu 12.10, it has many…

  • Broadcom wireless problem : SOLVED

    Most of Broadcom chips in laptop give problems in connecting to wireless signals, so here is the tested easy fix: # apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source You may get it working 🙂 Reboot.